Questions from 1 to 3:-  On a playing ground Dipti, Nisha, Pinki, Kritika and Anita are standing as directed below facing the south.

• Kritika is 40 m to the right of Anita.

• Dipti is 30m to the south of Kritika.

• Nisha is 75m to the west of Anita.

• Pinki is 90m to the north of Dipti

 1. Who is to the north-east of the person who is standing in front of Kritika? (Ans. Anita)

 2. If a person walks from Pinki to Kritika. reached Dipti, moved to Anita, back to Kritika and walked to Nisha; then, how many metres has he walked if he traveled straight distance all through? (Ans. 215 m)

3. If Nisha and Kritika exchanged their positions, who is to the south-west of the person, who is standing to the left of the person, who is standing left of Kritika? (Ans. Dipti)

4. Sunita started walking towards east, after one km she turned to her right and walked for 4 km, then she turned to her left and reached a place after walking for 2 km. How far is she from the starting point and in which direction? (Ans. 5 km, South-east)

5. Rajni started walking towards south and walked 65m, then he turned towards his right and walked 40m, again he turned right and walked 65m. Finally he turned towards his left and reached his destination after walking 20 m. How far is he from the starting point and in which direction? (Ans. 60 m, West)

6. person started walking from his house keeping the house at his back. After some distance he turn to his left, walked some distance turned to right, again walked some distance and turned left, then walking some distance turned left, walked some distance turned left, after some distance he turned to right and finally after taking another right turn he is facing the north. To which direction his house faces? (Ans. East)

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