- Organic Chemistry - Carbon in combination with mainly hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen. Example - natural products, carbohydrates, steroids, protein.
- Inorganic Chemistry - all elements & compounds not covered in Organic Chemistry. Example - minerals, salts, Inorganic polymers.
- Physical Chemistry - mathematical & physical description of organic & inorganic compounds and reactions. Example - Electrochemistry, Chemical Thermodynamics, Photochemistry.
- Biochemistry - Chemistry of biological systems. Example - Enzymes, Biosynthesis.
- Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. In other words, matter has mass and volume.
- Theory of matter is made up small particles i.e. atoms, put forward by John Dalton.
- Physical Classification:- Solid, Liquid, Gas (Elements & Compounds)
- Chemical Classification:- Homogeneous, Heterogeneous (Mixtures)
- Homogeneous Mixture - uniform composition throughout its mass and no visible boundaries of separation between various constituents.
- Heterogeneous Mixture - different composition throughout its mass and visible boundaries of separation between various constituents.
Solid |
Liquid |
Gas |
Rigid |
Not rigid |
Not rigid |
Fixed shape |
No fixed shape |
No fixed shape |
Fixed volume |
Fixed volume |
No fixed volume |
Can't be compressed |
Can't be compressed |
Can be compressed |
- Gases are highly compressible as compared to Solids and Liquids. So, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) used in our households for cooking food.
👉 Atmosphere is a unit to measure the pressure exerted by gas.
1 atmosphere = 1.01 × 10⁵ Pascal(Pa)The pressure of air in the atmosphere is called atmospheric pressure.
- The atmospheric pressure at sea level is 1 atmosphere and is taken as normal atmospheric pressure.
- As we go upwards, pressure of air above us reduces.
- Plasma is considered as fourth state of matter.
- Consists of particles in the form of ionised (positively or negatively charged) gases.
- As Plasma is formed at high temperature, it is usually very hot.
- Stars / Sun are mostly made of Plasma, which makes them glow.
- Fluorescent tubes and Neon Signboards consist of Plasma. The gas present in them gets ionised, when electricity flows, which makes them glow.
- Colour of Plasma depends on nature of gas.
- Fluorescent tubes are usually filled with Helium and Neon Signboards are filled with Neon gas.
Physical Change -
- changes such as change in temperature, shape, colour or similar features, but no change in the internal or chemical composition of substances.
- Can easily be reversed.
- Very little heat or light is absorbed or given out.
- Ex:- Crystallisation, Sublimation,boiling, dissolving of sugar or salt, etc.
Chemical Change -
- Change in internal or chemical composition of substances.
- Can't be reversed at all or require very large amount of energy to be reversed.
- a lot of heat or light energy is absorbed or given out.
- Ex:- digestion of food, milk going sour, various metabolic reactions, chemical battery usage, electroplating of a metal.
👉 Products obtained through chemical processes are pure in nature.
- Radioactivity :- It is the spontaneous release of energy from unstable nuclei in terms of electromagnetic rays and emission of particles.
- Discovered by Henry de-Becqueral.
- Unit - Becqureal
- This property is also known as Uranium Radioactivity, due to Uranium mineral gaveoff invisible radiation.
- Later Pierre Curie & Madam Curie showed similar phenomena in other metals like Radium, Francium and Poeonium.
- Radioactivity is exhibited by elements of high atomic weights where nuclei are unstable & break up of their own accord.
- Rutherford studied the effect of electric ans magnetic fields on the radioactive rays emitted by different radioactive substances.
Subatomic Particles
1. ɑ - particles
- a positively charged Helium (He) atom, which has very little penetrating power.
- can be absorbed by a sheet of paper or stopped by Al foil.
- With the emission of an ɑ - particle, atomic number decreases by 2 and mass number decreases by 4.
- Causes burns on human body.
- Produce fluorescence in substances
- Deflected by electric and magnetic fields.
2. 𝜷 - particles
- A negatively charged light particle.
- Penetrating power is greater than ɑ - particle.
- Rays are deflected towards +ve plate.
- With the emission of an 𝜷 - particle, atomic number decreases by 1 and mass number doesn'tchange.
- Produce fluorescence in substances
- Deflected by electric and magnetic fields
- Produce artificial radioactivity
3. 𝞬 - particles
- are electromagnetic radiations of low wavelength, high frequency and move with high velocity
- Highly penetrating power
- Used in radiotherapy
- Not deflected by electric and magnetic fields
- Produce fluorescence in substances
- There are certain substances which, on being illuminated by high frequency light, emit light of relatively low frequency.
- The emission occurs so long the substance is being illuminated. This phenomenon of emission of light is called fluorescence.
Nuclear Reaction
- Here a nucleus bombarded with an elementary particle (like neutron, proton, etc.) or with another to produce other products in a very short time span.
- 1st nuclear reaction was discovered by Rutherford in 1919 when he bombarded neutron with ɑ - particles .
Nuclear Fission
- A nuclear reaction in which nucleus splits into two nuclei of nearly equal mass.
- Atom bomb is based on nuclear fission.
Nuclear Fusion
- A nuclear reaction in which one or more light nuclei combined together to form a heavier nucleus.
- Hydrogen bomb is based on nuclear fusion.
- High temperature i.e 10⁸K and high pressure is required
👉 Hydrogen bomb is 1000 times powerful than atombomb.
👉 Penetrating power of neutrons is very high and it can penetrate through the nucleus of an atom. Hence, neutron is responsible for the nuclear fission.
- Raw materials - Lime Stone & Clay
- In Cement, Lime is present in combined state as Calcium Silicates and Calcium Aluminates.
- Cement containing excess amount of Lime - cracks during setting
- Cement containing less amount of Lime - weak in strength
- A small amount of gypsum is added to slow down the setting of Cement.
- Cement with excess of Silica - slow setting
- Cement with excess of Alumina - quick setting
- Cement containing no iron is white, but hard to burn.
- Setting of Cement is an exothermic process.
1. Endothermic Reaction - Reaction occurring with absorb of energy.
A + B →C − ΔE
Ex.- Digestion
2. Exothermic Reaction - Reaction occurring with release of energy.
A + B →C + ΔE
Ex.- Respiration, Decomposition
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